Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 8, 2014 20K

There are 2 maps because the GPS app saw this run as 2 loops.
The shorter loop on both maps is the first lap.  The data changes at the bottom of the map showing the statistics.

The first loop was a training run for 2 people, actually for all 3 of us; one of them is on Jeff Galoways run/walk program. 7.5 K and 1hr 17 minutes.

The 2nd loop, I did by myself 12,5 K and 1 hr 41 minutes, for a total of 3 hrs on trail and 20 K.

Thoughts on this. The first loop, although slow was good for training purposes, it helped me concentrate on running with my big muscles, my Glutes and thighs. It was also helpful to teach me to run slower out of the gate so I don't burn out during a run.

The 2nd loop revealed that I am a stronger runner than I was last week. I ran out Beaver creek trail to the road turned left and ran to Road 1000, which is a hill that usually defeats me. This is the 2nd time I run this road today and I make it to the top with out stopping. This is like the 4th time I have done this in 3 years. Granted I was probably sub 2 mph and I could have walked it at 3 – 4 mph, I did complete the climb using running motions.

At the top of the hill, I turned left onto, I believe 1200. This road has some long inclines on it. I twisted my ankle at I think 11.64 KM (total distance) I thought it was bad at the time but some hopping around, deep breathing and “Oh my”s and it started feeling better, I started walking it out and then soon was able to run. Really surprised no choice word were uttered.

I was able to do some single track and still get in the milage.

I felt emotional, sick to my stomach, weak, exhausted. My legs were stiff, sore, heavy amd I could hardly get out of the car at home. I sat in a cold bath for a bit and took a nap, my legs are still sore, the recovery time will actually tell me how fit I am.


  1. I'm a bit late to the party, but what are you training for? Is it the Xterra in Hawaii? Nice job on conquering that is a doozie. Hope you are able to walk tomorrow tho! Will be following your progress for sure

    1. Jana, the immediate upcoming run is The Exterra in Hawaii... 1\2 marathon. The next run is the 25K Brooke and Chris do, probably in Feb.
      Next goal would be a full marathon
      a 50K and finally culminating in a 50 mile run.
