Saturday, November 15, 2014

Today's run 15.85 km 2 hr 25 min. Not as far as last week, but an improvement. For those that know the Pt. Gamble trails, about 1.2 miles from the TH, is a trail – Ranger, the bottom trail is easy the top is steep. I made it most of the way up without stopping. I will own this trail either next Saturday or
the Saturday after. I'll try to get elevation information next week. Running this hill at the beginning sapped my strength

Experienced runners will walk a hill like this because they know they can walk it as fast as they can run it, or even if they walk it slower, they will have saved energy to make up the time after they reach the top of the hill. I know this, and will hopefully use the strategy on the Hawaiian run, where there are two large hills; but, I am training now and want to strengthen my legs and running so I stress them now.

It was a cold day today, and probably did get into the low mid 40. I was warm enough to be comfortable, but realize that the cold was affecting my muscles and probably core temperature, and that is one reason I didn't run as far – it sapped my strength.

I found a new trail at the beginning of the run, it followed the fence line of some property. The trail isn't used much and was root and rock strewn which were covered in fallen leaves. As I watched the ground, I started to see lots of questionable animal tracks, so I doubled back to the main trail; I think my main concern was sthe condition of the trail.

As I got tired on the trail and wanted to stop, I would tell myself that I needed to go a little further, because each time I pushed myself through the tiredness and pain, I would tear down the muscle and it would rebuild stronger, with more endurance so I could go further and stronger in the future.

I have found another trail that I am going to add to my run next week.

Good news about the Hawaiian run, a woman at work did it 3 years ago and said it was fun and doable. She and her sister did it in 3 hrs and they stopped along the way to visit “things”, to take pictures and to enjoy the scenery.

I am getting excited about this run.
I signed up to do the Turkey Trot on Bainbridge Island on Thanksgiving.

There is a 5K on New Years day I believe I will sign up for.

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