Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Rest day

Today was a rest day.
I did my ferry walks and some stair walks at work and about 75 squats and 25 lunges; but, Mondays will be my rest days.  It is a day I will be going to Bible study.  I haven't posted it on FB or anywhere else publicly, but in August, I accepted Jesus as my Savior.  I don't think I have ever been a non-believer, but I have sat on the fence saying maybe.  I refused to turn to Christ in times of trouble, because I didn't want to do it under duress.  

When Jo Ann was going through her cancer treatments and when she died, I wished that I believed and had the faith that others talked about, yet, I didn't want to turn to Jesus out of weakness.  That decision probably caused me a lot of heartache and suffering.

At the beginning of August, I decide I needed to get off the fence and either accept Christ as my Savior or not.  My life is good, I am prosperous, yet there is something missing in my life that I hope is filled as I become ... more.

I like history and have read the bible as a history book, but now, as I look at what is happening in the world, and I compare it to Bible prophecy, I believe that I had better be a believer and a follower of Christ.

Since this is my blog, and I have so few followers, this may be the place where I can start writing about my fledgling beliefs.

I know it may sound strange, but when I run now, I ask God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to keep me safe and to join me on my run, to enter my body and experience what I am feeling and doing.  I know God has a more spectacular view of the world and the universe, and can get from one place to another with a thought - well, I guess that is because God is everywhere, but it is the only thing that I have to offer at this time.  Other than myself.

Well I guess my running blog will be interspersed with some of my God thoughts as we move forward.

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