Sunday, November 9, 2014


Today is Sunday.

I have heard from 2 different people, that the race in Hawaii is really difficult.  Looking at the map it looks like the highest elevation gain is 500 feet - hmm it could be meters, I better check, that would be a whole new story.

Yesterday I ran 20K and was really hurting afterwards.  Legs stiff and sore; I could hardly walk.  This morning I woke and my legs were fine, terrific recovery from the run.

Todays traing consited of a 1 hour running injury prevention clinic.  This consited of three rounds of 8 different core centered exercises.  I dose't sound like much, but it is really a good workout.
Each station is 1 minute with about 15 seconds to switch stations.

This evening I used an eliptical for hill training.  I used two different settings to simulate hill repeats.  2, 30 minute sets.

I am excited about the race, but the most exciting thing is Tyler, my son, and I are going.  It has been years since the 2 of us have gone on a vacation together.  It will be good to do it with him as an adult.

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