Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veteran's Day run

Today I ran 4.6 miles on the Pt. Gamble trails.  Probably 65 - 75% on Single track.  I did Ranger twice - I wasn't able to run it al, but I did good.  I will need to do squats, walk up the stairs at work and do hill repeats on the treadmill and eliptical.

The Hawaii race has a lot of hills and it looks like it will be difficult, with training and help from God, I will be able to complete it.  It is easy for me to see and feel that I am getting stronger in my running and having this run as a goal I will be able to callenge mysel in my training.

I am not sure why 5 of my waypoints are down
on Hwy 3 and I was surprised that if I was running along a cliff, I could look down and see my house.

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