Sunday, October 23, 2011

Been a while since I updated the blog.  I have been posting my training on FB in a group I created called "Getting Fit"  This blog is a way to document more completely my training and thoughts of the Las Vegas Marathon (LVM) 
It is the 22nd of October.  I have joined Kitsap Cross Fit Gym.  It is not a gym like 24 hr Fitness or Bally's.  It is a gym for people that are serious about their training.  I like it that I go, but I feel really out of shape - probably because I am.  I look at the workouts, which change daily and think "I can't do that - yet"  but I can do my best and not slack off. 
I went last Thursday and we were suppose to start doing 50 double ups (and then each rep reduce by 10), that is jump rope with the rope going around twice for each jump and if you cant do that, raise your knees high for each jump.  I raised my knees as high as I could for 50 jumps, then I did 30 sit ups, then 40 jumps and 30 sit ups, then 30 jumps and 25 sit ups (they were pretty sloppy at this time) then 20 jumps and 20 sit ups and then 10 jumps and 10 sit ups.  Oh yeah there was also weight lifting before that.
This training, for me, is not only a physical challenge, but mental and psychological challenge as well.  I have a goal so I need to do the best I can to reach it,  The psychological part of it has to do with not quitting because I am not good enough, and accepting the positive reinforcement that I get about how I am doing a great job, when I know that my form is falling apart and that I am not completing the task as listed on the Workout of the Day.

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