Tuesday, August 30, 2011

At the beginning of 2011, when I was hovering around 250 lbs, I fantasized about weighing 236 lbs. I would be slim and trim, I thought. At the end of April, when I started running, I was around 240 lbs. At the end of May at my Annual Physical, I weighed 228 lbs. This morning, 216.2 lbs. All this loss from exercise and better food choices. I am not dieting, I have not given up any foods, I usually just eat smaller portions, I have cut back on candy, but it was a natural occurrence; I don't feel deprived.

I have purchased a few pieces of exercise equipment that is good for me as long as I use them.  Many people may think they can't afford to get equipment, but one piece I bought for $7.. from Goodwill.  Another piece, a rowing machine, I paid $40 on Craig's list.  If you want equipment, you can find it cheap.  If you buy equipment, use it or it will be a demotivate.

Find a support group of some type to help you get motivated.  It may be an online group, friends, neighbors, etc.  Part of my support group are the owners of Mike's 5 Star BBQ in Port Gamble, they let me know how good I look when I come in.  "I didn't recognise you!"  "You look 10 years younger."  Things like that.  A number of people have noticed my weight loss, and I have shared some of my goals at work and with friends and people respond saying that I have motivated them to start running, walking, exercising.  "I figure, if you can do it, so can I!" one person said.  I can't quit now... I can't let them down, even more important, I can't let myself down.

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