Saturday, August 13, 2011

Goal set for 1/2 marathon

I thought I would be able to run/walk a 1/2 marathon in September of this year, until I tried running on a flat hard surface.  Until now, I have been running on dirt logging roads; uneven surface and hills and dips.  Run/walking, I average over 5 mph.  I also can do about 8-9 miles in an hour and 40 min,  I thought this meant that when I switched to a flat surface, my speed and distance would improve.  WRONG!

My first experience on the flat hard surface was a disappointment and an eye opener.  I was hurting before I went a 1/2 mile; the course was 1.5 miles, but I actually ran less than a mile and my right leg was fatigued.  On my second attempt, I removed my ankle brace, did a warm up walk of 1/4 mile and then did some stretching.  I got in a little over a mile, my right leg felt fatigued again.  I could have forced myself to run further, but decided if I did much more, I would end up injuring myself, so I called it a day and returned to my car.

I will be able to accomplish this as long as I take it slow and don't injure myself.

So what is my goal for my first 1/2 marathon?  The Las Vegas R&R marathon on December 4, 2011.  The entry fee is like $165.00 (a motivation in itself, once it is paid,) plus plane fare and hotel.  These darn dreams are expensive.  I have invited others to join me, but it may be cost prohibitive for them.  That's o.k. though, because I will go on my own if that is how it works out.

You can follow my progress to the marathon by reading this blog.  You can encourage me when I am not happy with my training and progression.  You can laugh with me and at me.

So here are some vitals:
This morning I weighed 217 lbs.  My goal is to run the race at 200 lbs.  Achieving this weight has its challenges, because as I run and work out, I will burn fat, but I will also be building muscle which weighs more than fat - but, it looks better also.

Furthest run on flat hard surface: about a mile.

No work out today, I have Jeannie visiting and we will be going out for dinner.  If I get back early enough, perhaps I will get a Short workout in.

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