Sunday, July 24, 2011

Am I certifiable?

After completing The Dirty Dash mud run I last posted about in May of 2011 and immensely enjoying the run and the fact that I was not the slowest person on our team; and that our team was passing many younger teams; and, rightfully, being proud that I trained for the run and actually completed the 10K, I have decided to train for a 1/2 marathon in September and possibly a full marathon in December.  These are pretty ambitious goals and there are a number of people pointing that out, in a negative way.  I can use that as an incentive to persevere.  I think one of the reasons I decided to run the 1/2 and full, was how easy I found the 10K.
What I was not aware of when I started training for TDD and talking about it, was that I would inspire others to take up running.  (It is amazing how our actions will influence others, so it is important that we be aware of how we are acting at all times.)
So now my training begins in earnest.  I have borrowed a bicycle for cross training, I had to purchase new rear brake pads for it but, now it is ready to go.  All I need to do is get on it and learn how to ride it.  Yesterday I purchased an elliptical trainer, it was $200.00 off at Sears.  I went to look at a rowing machine but Sears did not have one in stock, so I purchased the ET. 
I also purchased a book called "Running WIthin" by Jerry Lynch and Warren Scott that is a guide to mastering the body-mind-spirit connection for ultimate training and running.  I already know that running is a mental game so I will turn to more experience to help with this aspect of my training.
So here I go, starting another adventure, I ask for your support by reading and commenting on my posts, because that is a way to support and encourage me on this journey.

1 comment:

  1. David, I have a friend who rides his Bicycle 30 to 45 miles a day. he just turned 63, him and his wife have a tandem bike and do the Seattle to Portland ride every year. they also do a bike ride for Bibles ever year in Canada. The point being, is that I tell people all the time "your never to old" to start living your life. You will do great because you have the spirit of a lion! I wish you the best and will keep you in my thoughts as you enter a new phase of living. HUGS
