Sunday, August 28, 2011

On the road to my 1/2 marathon

Today I ran 3 miles.  I did good the stamina was there, but my heart beat was up.  That will come back down as I recover from my injury and run more.  I am also ready to start biking, which will be good cross training... and good for improving my stamina, breathing and heart rate.

I only have a month to get up to running about 4.5 miles for the 8K race.  Then another month to get up to 8 miles for the 12K race.  It will take lots of dedication and will power to stay active to work on the elliptical and rowing machine on those days I do not run.

I am feeling good and I know I can meet all these goals that I have set for myself.   Now that my body is improving, it is as much mental conditioning as it is physical conditioning. 

One of the biggest perks is to have people notice and ask about my weight loss.  :-)

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