Sunday, September 19, 2010

A partial list of "Someday I'm gonna ..."

Here is a partial list of "Someday I'm gonna ..."
... Run a 10K - Completed 10K dirty Dash 7/9/2011
... Run a street 5K
... Run a Street 10K
... Run a 1/2 marthon - scheduled 12/04/2011
... Learn to play guitar
... visit Yosemite in the Spring for wild flower season
... visit Yosemite in the Fall for fall colors
... hike the Wonderland Trail around Mt Rainier (Possibly in 2012)
... visit Glacier National Park
... visit Scotland
... visit New Zealand
... have my house warming party - Completed in 2010
... know when a woman is flirting with me before I walk away from her.
... find my life partner
... learn to ball room dance - includes Salsa
...  have another art show and sell my photographs
... tour New England in the Fall
... have my face cleaned. COMPLETED

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