Monday, August 23, 2010

Someday is today - make memories.

Dreams are, or can be goals. We may not know it is a goal or that it can be life changing when we fulfill the dream, or maybe we fulfill the dream because we have had a (or many) life changing experiences.

In 1998 I said to myself that I wanted to return to Skagway, AK to hike the Chilkoot trail. I told myself through the following years that I wanted to hike the Chilkoot. It was always out of reach because of life's events and because I didn't think I had the back packing experience or was in shape to accomplish the task and being in that frame of mind, it would always stay a dream.

My first life change came after Jo Ann died and I realized how many times we said, “someday we are going to ...” and we never got around to someday. The other wasn't so profound, it happened around a campfire in September of 2009, people were talking about trails they had hiked and trails they wanted to hike when I stated “Someday I want to hike the Chilkoot.” Laurie asked me when someday was. That statement turned in my mind for a long time and I decide that “Someday was the last week of August and the first week of September, 2010.”


  1. Previous posts on Facebook:
    I am planning a trip to Skagway Alaska the last week of August and the first week of September to hike the Chilkoot Trail. You can find information about the hike by Googleing Chilkoot Trail. There are maps and you will also find some history about the trail. I may even add some pictures and history tidbits to this note.

    August 16, 2010

    3 hours to do 9 miles Amazing what an additional 10 lbs will do to the weight of a pack. It took a lot to go the first mile, and then the 2nd - it was easier to push through 3.5 and then I came to the fork in the road that led to the loop I found a couple weeks ago and said to myself, should I turn around or take the loop. "Take the loop you pu*** your trainning so do the time, do the miles. your day off is tomorrow. After that everything else was positive reenforcement. lots of little 30 second breaks.

    Today I found websites with weather conditions for Skagway. First part of next week is going to be nasty, so I will not fly up until tuesday or wednesday. Still waiting to hear back from the hotel on current rates. Tomorrow I will go to see if I can buy my food locally, if not I will need to go to REI to get it.

    Things are coming together, I am excited. I am going to make a happy memmory for myself.

    8/13 already

    No hikeing the last two weeks. 1 week I was sick with a cold. This week I worked the late shift and ddn't get home in time to hike.

    Last weekend I stayed at Red Top Fire lookout as host and fire spotter. Thankfully I didn't have to call in any fires. I have a beautiful picture that i want to upload, but I need to make it smaller - it is over 5mb.

    A friend send me this photo of a Canadian Parks department Bear Warning wil have to scroll down to see it.

    7\28 8.6 miles lite pack

    7\28\2010 9.4 miles lite pack

    In the 1850's it was known there was GOLD in the Klondike, however there wasn't a whole lot of interest. A scribe (secretery) for the Hudson Bay Trading company wrote in his personal journal, "Father -----, came into the fort today and told us about a sand bar were you can scoop up gold by the tablespoon full. One of these days I'm going to have to take some time and go out there and get some." He never went.

    In the 1890's the United States and the world were in a depression, (and prosiac hadn't been invented yet, the news greatly improved the mood of many people) so when word reached civilization (Seattle, WA) that GOLD was found in Alaska, Johnny Horton recorded the song"North to Alaska" ( and the Alaskan Gold Rush began. Men from all over the US and the world, quit their jobs, walked away from their farms, left their families and headed to Alasks to pick up the nuggets that were just laying on the ground. ---Moreto come -- Listen to the song there is a slide show with some historical pictures and pictures of the trail I will be hiking. Although I wont be hiking in the snow.


    No hike tonight. Domestic duties called. I needed to cut the grass. Tomorrows another day.

  2. safe, have a life time experience, and we'll look forward to seeing pictures and hearing about your grand experience. We'll be with you in spirit!!!!

  3. Dave!

    I am sooo tickled for you! While you are following in the footsteps of long ago adventurers I will be in Glacier Nat'l Park backpacking in to one of the back country chalets built by long ago adventurers. That makes us modern day adventures...right? Think of me because I'll sure as heck be thinking of you. Enjoy every doggone minute. Rock on, Dave.

  4. Good luck Dave and have fun!
    Will be thinking of you while I'm in school.

  5. did you take your bear bell with you?? be safe and enjoy! Oh and take lots of pictures!! ( :

  6. Oh my goodness: How wonderful that My Dear Brother of long ago is finally going for it and has past onto me help in getting started. Dave you are awesome, Try to take as much sea food you know Army food food is high priced there, you can pick up dried food up etc. Have so much fun. We are so proud of you and want to hear all about it. Must plan our visit when you come home! Love from Mickie O and Scott

  7. Dave have a great time in Alaska. Hope your trip goes as planned and you get to see all you can plus more. Take lot's of pics and when you get back we should all get together and hear all about your trip and ck out your pics. Hope you brought that rain gear!!! Stay safe Brad & Tess...

  8. Dave, I just got a letter from Jeannie, and she told me that you were in Alaska. This is the first I have heard what it was all about! With my schoolwork taking 12 or more hours a day, I don't get to my e-mail for weeks. I hope this is a wonderful experience for you, and that it is one of your most happy experiences! I will keep you in my prayers, and God bless you. Have a blast. Love always, Mary Beth
