Monday, August 23, 2010

Preparing for a trip like this can be a little spendy if you need to upgrade your equipment: like a pack that is too small for a 5 day trip and doesn't fit properly, or a new stove that better suits your needs, or finally breaking down and purchasing Gortex rain gear. Having to get new boots because your old ones were so comfortable, that you wore them out already. Plane fare and hotel for staying in town. Suddenly you look at what you have spent and you know you can't back out, even if you wanted to. And you realize why nobody from Seattle wanted to join you; because for you it is dream fulfillment, but for them it was just an expensive hike. :-)
I am packed now, except for my laptop, and am ready to head into bed. I am excited to be doing this trip. I'll be leaving the house in about 9 hours. I will post more tomorrow.

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