Thursday, December 12, 2013

Today, after a week of sub-freezing temperatures in my garage, I was able to run on the treadmill.  2.39 miles in 30 minutes.  I have a long way to go in order to meet my goals, but all it will take is training and perseverance.

I need to remember that training doesn't mean I am running at race distance and speed, but that I am building distance, speed and endurance.  I am training my body to work for long periods of time.

Training means that I am building to my goals and that I am getting better each day that I train; even on those days that I run a shorter distance at a slower speed.

Food is important in training and exercise.  Over the last few years, I have learned a lot about the food I have been feeding myself.  The sugars, trans-fats - GMO foods, the feed lot raised beef, poultry and pork.  I know I need to purchase organic and grass fed meats, but I bulk at the expense.  I know I need to cut out the sugars, grains and phoney fats, but I still find myself back sliding and gorging myself on them.  Yet these are not failures, but setbacks.  They are lessons learned.  I don't have to start over, but just pick myself up and continue on.  Each good meal and food choice I make is better than not doing anything at all.

Runners World sent me an e-mail with a teaser - Runners giving up glutton - buy our glutton free cookbook.  I wonder how they are carb-loading now?

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