Monday, December 30, 2013

Ran the Pt. Gamble trails yesterday, Sunday 12/29/2013. I was out on the trails about 2h 5m, the time keeping from Google Tracks which registered my time on trail but no distance. It seems the application is not smart enough to turn the GPS on, it just told me one wasn't available. I discovered how to turn the GPS on after returning home and having an opportunity to research the problem.

I am not sure how far I ran, but it was enough to hurt my legs and I did have to walk the last mile back to the car. I wonder if it is smart to run further than you can run back. I can see the benefit of doing so, I get a cool down walk, I also push myself to run a little further – walk – run – walk. I am wondering also, if this type of training would, instead of training me to run further would train me to give up before reaching the finish line, since I would be used to walking the last mile or so,

There were many times I wanted to just stop, turn around and head back to the car, but I kept going and in fact actually chose to run further at one point; this is probably the extension that caused me to walk the last mile. The benefit of adding to the run when I did, is that I got more comfortable with a seldom used route, and I found more roads to research and add to my route, to add variety. and distance.

I am already 1 5K down on my running goals so will need to pick another one up, maybe in Feburary as I am suppose to do a 5K and a 10 K this month, or I will do 2 5Ks this month and move the 10K to February.

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