Sunday, December 15, 2013

Yesterday, my plan was to run on the trails today.  However, I had a bad night.  I didn't sleep well, I woke up itching.  I went to see my son yesterday and he has like, six cats and I am slightly allergic to them.  I alos took him to dinner and we had Thai food... it is possible that I was allergic to something in the food.  Needless to say, I slept very late and did not feel like running.  Then the Seahawks were on, the one and clenched the division title and home field advantage for the playoffs. 

I did some chores and went to Jeannie's to turn the water off that I had left running for last weeks cold spells.  I then went to Costco and returned home.  I then started cleaning my kitchen closet, there is a lot I need to cull from there so I have room.  Things I couldn't get rid of while Jeannie was alive.  Well, now I have to sort that and donate it to Goodwill -  I also have other stuff to clear out of my life and declutter my life.

Well since this post is about training for the runs I have planned in the next 16 months, I did run 3.1 miles on the treadmill - it took 37 minutes, I burned 530 calories and did most of the running on an incline.  I also did 25 reps with a 35lb kettlebell that I picked up at Play it again sports.  I am foing to do those everyday and see how it improves my shoulder.

Another good piece of news is that my back did not tighten up tonight.  I hope it is a sign that it wont when I am on the trails.

1 comment:

  1. This just a follow up to my post of yesterday. My legs HURT!!! They will tomorrow also. I They were hurting when I went to Crossfit tonight and there were over head lunges, sumo dead lifts and box jumps.
