Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So the Spring Clean-up challenge is over.  I wrote about it in April, fully meaning to write on a regular basis about my experience, but failed to do so.  I did great for 4.5 weeks and then fell of the wagon, not for 1 meal, or one day, but for 5 out of 6 days.  I was so embarrassed about what I ate those days, that I quit filling out the food journal.  I also decided that I didn’t need to stay fully Paleo for the rest of the challenge since I had already blown it.  I ended up losing 4 pounds and 1.5 inches from my waist.

Well, there was amazing weight loss and inches lost by others and it was quite inspiring; I decided that I would get right back to the changing the way I eat and reshaping my body and hopefully losing weight in the process.  I have started the Whole 30 plan, which is Paleo, but stricter and it lasts 30 days.  This is the end of my 2nd day and I am 1.2 lbs lighter than yesterday morning.  I weight .6 lbs less when I got home today, than I did when I left this morning. 

So far it isn’t hard to do.  I am eating good and full most of the time.  Once again it is hard to find the time to cook and make lunch, especially when I get home late, and tonight I didn’t get in until 8:00.  Luckily I have most of a lunch already for tomorrow all I will need to do is throw a salad together in the morning and if I don’t have time I can buy one.

I think a hard part of this coming month will be giving up fruit or at least cutting way back.  Fruit is healthy for you, but it is packed with sugar, something I didn’t account for in the challenge.

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