Saturday, April 28, 2012


We are at the end of the 2nd week of the Spring Clean-up.  I am doing good.  I believe that I am 100% Paleo - it is possible that some of what I am eating when I go to a restaurant may have hidden ingredients that are not Paleo, but I try to order what I understand to be Paleo.  Since my weight is not dropping, as I want, I must have an issue with portion control.  I haven't found anything in the Paleo books that address portion size so am winging it.

This past week was amazing to me for the following reasons.

1.      PR with dead lifts by 20lbs  255lbs

2.      PR with push press by 15lbs (I forget what the weight was)

3.      PR on squat cleans by 10lbs 83lbs

4.      Actually attended a team work out where what I did affected the team.

I feel really great about all of these things, but doing a team workout was hard to show up for.  It is one of those fears that are left over from childhood; remembering being the last chosen for a team, being laughed at (ridiculed) for being uncoordinated and slow.  I am ok with having the lowest weight, slowest time, being last when it is just me, but I don't want my performance to affect the results of others.  So just showing up for the WOD was a win, my team finished 2nd.

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