Monday, April 16, 2012

The Spring Clean-up started today.

The Spring Clean-up started today.  I clean jerked 113 lbs and weighed in at 225.6 lbs.  42" at belly button.

I started this morning with breakfast at 5:30 A.M. - 1/2 a chicken breast and a cup of vegetable soup.
I wasn't hungry at 8:30 when it was time for 2nd breakfast, so I only ate 20 almonds and 8 walnut halves.  Lunch with a friend at 11:30 salad - spring mix, olive oil, mushrooms, cabbage and 2 meat balls.

2:30 and I had 1 cup of parsnip and sausage soup and an apple.

Worked out at 6 and had a protein drink and then a salad with eggs and veggies and 5 pieces of bacon.

The clean jerk was used as the strength test for the clean-up.  PR at 113 lbs.  I was kind of shaky on it.  This is the kind of competition I like, I am competing against myself.

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