Tuesday, August 30, 2011

At the beginning of 2011, when I was hovering around 250 lbs, I fantasized about weighing 236 lbs. I would be slim and trim, I thought. At the end of April, when I started running, I was around 240 lbs. At the end of May at my Annual Physical, I weighed 228 lbs. This morning, 216.2 lbs. All this loss from exercise and better food choices. I am not dieting, I have not given up any foods, I usually just eat smaller portions, I have cut back on candy, but it was a natural occurrence; I don't feel deprived.

I have purchased a few pieces of exercise equipment that is good for me as long as I use them.  Many people may think they can't afford to get equipment, but one piece I bought for $7.. from Goodwill.  Another piece, a rowing machine, I paid $40 on Craig's list.  If you want equipment, you can find it cheap.  If you buy equipment, use it or it will be a demotivate.

Find a support group of some type to help you get motivated.  It may be an online group, friends, neighbors, etc.  Part of my support group are the owners of Mike's 5 Star BBQ in Port Gamble, they let me know how good I look when I come in.  "I didn't recognise you!"  "You look 10 years younger."  Things like that.  A number of people have noticed my weight loss, and I have shared some of my goals at work and with friends and people respond saying that I have motivated them to start running, walking, exercising.  "I figure, if you can do it, so can I!" one person said.  I can't quit now... I can't let them down, even more important, I can't let myself down.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

On the road to my 1/2 marathon

Today I ran 3 miles.  I did good the stamina was there, but my heart beat was up.  That will come back down as I recover from my injury and run more.  I am also ready to start biking, which will be good cross training... and good for improving my stamina, breathing and heart rate.

I only have a month to get up to running about 4.5 miles for the 8K race.  Then another month to get up to 8 miles for the 12K race.  It will take lots of dedication and will power to stay active to work on the elliptical and rowing machine on those days I do not run.

I am feeling good and I know I can meet all these goals that I have set for myself.   Now that my body is improving, it is as much mental conditioning as it is physical conditioning. 

One of the biggest perks is to have people notice and ask about my weight loss.  :-)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

First race in training for 1/2 marathon

I think I have found my first hard surface 5K race to run in.  It is local.
http://seeboosters.org/seekidsrun/09242011.html  Proceeds go to a charity.  It is on 9/24 giving me a good 5 1/2 weeks to train up to 5K or 3.1 miles on hard surface.  The next step is to find a 10 K in late October or early November.

Goal set for 1/2 marathon

I thought I would be able to run/walk a 1/2 marathon in September of this year, until I tried running on a flat hard surface.  Until now, I have been running on dirt logging roads; uneven surface and hills and dips.  Run/walking, I average over 5 mph.  I also can do about 8-9 miles in an hour and 40 min,  I thought this meant that when I switched to a flat surface, my speed and distance would improve.  WRONG!

My first experience on the flat hard surface was a disappointment and an eye opener.  I was hurting before I went a 1/2 mile; the course was 1.5 miles, but I actually ran less than a mile and my right leg was fatigued.  On my second attempt, I removed my ankle brace, did a warm up walk of 1/4 mile and then did some stretching.  I got in a little over a mile, my right leg felt fatigued again.  I could have forced myself to run further, but decided if I did much more, I would end up injuring myself, so I called it a day and returned to my car.

I will be able to accomplish this as long as I take it slow and don't injure myself.

So what is my goal for my first 1/2 marathon?  The Las Vegas R&R marathon on December 4, 2011.  The entry fee is like $165.00 (a motivation in itself, once it is paid,) plus plane fare and hotel.  These darn dreams are expensive.  I have invited others to join me, but it may be cost prohibitive for them.  That's o.k. though, because I will go on my own if that is how it works out.

You can follow my progress to the marathon by reading this blog.  You can encourage me when I am not happy with my training and progression.  You can laugh with me and at me.

So here are some vitals:
This morning I weighed 217 lbs.  My goal is to run the race at 200 lbs.  Achieving this weight has its challenges, because as I run and work out, I will burn fat, but I will also be building muscle which weighs more than fat - but, it looks better also.

Furthest run on flat hard surface: about a mile.

No work out today, I have Jeannie visiting and we will be going out for dinner.  If I get back early enough, perhaps I will get a Short workout in.