Sunday, May 22, 2011

I always wished I could play a musical instrument

I always wished I could play a musical instrument ... Something other than a radio, CD player or MP3 player. Throughout my life, I have held some pretty limiting believes that have prevented my from trying and following through on many things in my life.  I was once told by a nun at the Catholic grade school that I couldn't sing, so I took that to mean I had no musical ability; I have probably held that belief for close to 50 years.

I remember once, as a teen, I bought a guitar and since I couldn't figure it out right away, I put it down or gave it away and knew I couldn't play.  I have decided that I would learn to play a guitar and so today I bought a beginners package and will put in time to learn how to play it.

1 comment:

  1. Learning to play guitar is SO difficult (and painful), yet it is SOO worth it.

    I have had my guitar for about 10 years now, and have only been "playing" since about October of last year.

    If I'm in a crabby mood, I can pick it up, and twang away as I please. For me, there is nothing more medicinal than music. Being able to make my OWN music increases the medicinal value ten fold.

    Much luck in your endeavor! If you have anyone that can show you, that would help. That's what really did it for me.

    Aqui a la Vida!
