Monday, May 23, 2011

A hot soak, a glass of wine, and Ibuprofen!

I am proud of myself tonight.  I think I may have done something I've never done in my life.  I ran 5 miles with 1 - 30 second stop to drink.  I took over 58 minutes to jog that distance, which make them almost 12-minute miles; BUT ... I RAN five miles.  A 10K is only (get this...only) 6.2 miles and I have until July 9th to reach that goal.  Last December I would not have believed this was possible.  It has only taken 8 weeks, and one of those weeks I did not run.
Why is this important to me and possibly others?  It shows that if we set a goal to do something, and get the right training or education for it, and we do not give up on that goal or ourselves, we have a good chance of achieving it.  It is funny, as soon as I wrote this paragraph; I remembered that I was talking to someone about this very subject this morning on my ferry ride to Seattle.
We were talking and I mentioned that I decided to learn to play the guitar and was taking the steps needed to do so.  I said that I had tried when I was younger but wasn't successful.  She asked why and I thought for a minute, said that when I picked up the guitar, I was not successful with it right away, and did not want to take the time needed to learn how to play, so I gave up on the idea.  It is (not) so strange that when I have conversations like that, my mind will churn away in the background and let me know many of the times I have given up on something I thought I wanted, because it was too hard.
That brings me back to my concept of Someday is Today, it is a way for me to think of things I have always wanted to do but was afraid to do, or too lazy to do, or too far outside my comfort zone to try, I can write it down and let my mind and the universe work on it and make it a possibility.  Part of my Someday is Today philosophy is to think of at least one crazy thing to do each year - and to find a way to do it.  Taking up running is this year's crazy thing.
Now off to draw my bath.

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