Thursday, November 28, 2013

Turkey Trot 2013 - Bainbridge Island, WA
Today was the 1st 5K race in my 18 month running goals.

Last Saturday, I finished putting my NordicTrak C900i treadmill together. I ran a 5K on it that night, and then on Sunday I rowed 500 cals, about 20 minutes and then ran about 2.6 miles before accidently pulling the key off the treadmill, shutting it down and erasing the stats. On Monday I did Crossfit and then Tuesday and Wednesday I rested in preperation for today's Turkey Trot.

My friend Kat joined me for the run; she is interested in taking up running and doing some training runs on the weekends. It would be nice to have a training partner. Today was her first 5K and she did great. It was harder for me to do the run and I am confident that she could have had a better time, if she was running alone, but she said that negates the point of running a race together. Her attitude will probably change after she gets a few races under her belt.

I am happy with my time, I think the time I saw on the clock at the finish line was the race clock and we came in at 30:55. We had a really slow start, walking to and across the start line before we could start running, so that did affect our time. I am waiting for them to post the official results to see what our actual time is.

I had to walk a couple times for about 30 seconds, but that is fine. Whatever my time turns out to be, it will be a baseline for this year, something to improve on.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Just set some new goals/dreams and thought I would start writing them down and doing updates.  If they are seen, cool.  If not, cool.  I had fun when I did this while preparing for my trip to Alaska to hike the Chilkoot trail.  Now, I have set some running goals for the next 18 months.  Some are easy and others a progressively harder.  Here they are:

18 Month running Goals – November 2013 to April 2015

1 - 5K q month
1 - 10K q 2 months
1 – 1/2 marathon
1 – 25K
1 – marathon
1 – 50K
1 – 50 mile run

I am doing CrossFit, I started CrossFit to help with my running, and as I got stronger, I thought "I am actually able to compete (CrossFit) in my age bracket."  That is when I probably did some stupid stuff and injured and re-injured some old injuries.  I recently re-evaluated what I wanted - healthwise - and determined that I want to be healthy and fit.  I want to be able to run and show strong in my division, which if I had kept in running shape, I would have been able to do this past year, but because of injuries, I didn't run and did very little CrossFit.  So now I am starting over.

So here is the plan: CrossFit to strengthen my legs and core and to increase cardio vascular system, and running to improve and compete.  I purchased a Concept 2 rower to help with my cardio and core and an additional benefit is that it is helping with my shoulder injury.  I just purchased a NordicTrac C900i treadmill so I can run 3 or 4 evenings a week during the winter and spring months.

My outdoor runs will probably be on Sundays.  Also hiking, snow shoeing and cross country skiing are on the books for this winter.

I hope I keep motivated to update this blog at least weekly.

My first 5K run is on Thanksgiving morning.