Sunday, June 29, 2014

50 miler training
This will be interesting, blogging on two events on the same blog.  Today's blog is just a follow up to a post or two from 2013, about my desire to run a 50 mile run.  My goal was to do it this year, but because of injuries, it aint happening.

I was on a rehabilitation run today, 2 1/2 to 3 miles.  I started out running a minute and then walking a minute and repeating.  I then upped it to run 2 minutes walk one minute and then 3\1 back to 2\1.

Rehab is hard because I know I used to do so many more miles and feel somewhat funny run walking at these times a pace.  I am going to have to be conscious of my rehabilitation.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26, 2014

A couple weeks ago a friend, Nonie, IM'd me and asked if I would like to hike in Costa Rica.  I said I had never thought about it.  It might be fun.  It would give me a reason to get my passport, a task I have been putting off for a number of years.  She told me a friend asked her to go , but she wasn't prepared to hike for 9 days.  Then asked if I would be interested.  I said yes.

I mentioned this to a few people that night and they all got excited "YES" they exclaimed.  The next morning on my ferry commute, I was walking my rounds on the sun deck and started smiling and getting excited about the possibility and the planning. 

My disclaimer here.  I have never travelled outside the U.S. except for a few hours in Canada and Mexico, so this was stepping outside the box for me.  I had agreed to travel with someone I had never met - not knowing if they were male or female - this is another thing that is way outside the box for me.  Turns out the friend is female, and Nonie tells me she is nice and pretty.  She is at least 50% right, the woman is beautiful.

We are having difficulty meeting, I cancelled the first meeting because I was sick and wanted to make a good first impression; but, as you know, when you have a sinus infection and haven't slept, your eyes are going to be red, watery and puffy.  Your face may be swollen and your brain somewhere else and you can't carry on a conversation.  Your eyes may gloss over and your partner may think you are not interested in what they are saying.  Not to mention the bouts of hacking and snuffling. 

We were suppose to meet this afternoon for coffee, but she had a meeting and now I am waiting to hear if we will meet tomorrow after work.

I have filled out my passport application, started rounding up documentation to take with me to me interview.  I have located an office in Poulsbo and have their phone number so I can call and make an appointment

So where I stand right now is I have agreed to go to a foreign country, with someone I don't know, I'm excited about it and have started the process for my passport.

If we meet and don't click and the trip doesn't get off the ground, it is still a win for me.  I have stretched my boundaries and I will have my passport.