Saturday, July 7, 2012

My first “Whole 30” experiment is completed on July 3rd.  The only known “cheats” I had were commercial bacon (and about 6 sausage links) in the last week, and excessive amounts of fruit.

Weight: Start 215.2 lbs  Finish 212.6 lbs

Waist:    Start 42.5           Finish  39.5                 

I have seen changes in my body, more muscle definition, smaller waist and I can now get into and button jeans I have not worn in over 10 years.  A month ago I could not button two pair of jeans and now I can wear them.

July 7.

I am now a believer in the Paleo way of eating.  On July 4th I had BBQ ribs, Ice cream and beer.  On the 5th I had pizza and Taco Time food and beer… and ice cream.  I feel stuffy, my stomach is upset, I am feeling yucky, bloated and I have put on a few pounds in just these few days.  It is time to start eating good again; and, I have already started with today’s breakfast of steak and eggs and a small fruit bowl.

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