Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Life is fragile, sudden, and shorter than it often seems. – There may not be a tomorrow – not for everyone. Right now, someone on Earth is planning something for tomorrow without realizing they’re going to die today. This is sad but true. So spend your time wisely today and pause long enough to appreciate it. Every moment you get is a gift. Don’t waste time by dwelling on unhappy things. Spend it on things that move you in the direction you want to go. (40 Lessons for Finding Strength in Hard Times!   www.marcandangel.com)

This is one reason I started the “Someday is Today Blog”, it is one reason that I am now participating in things that “have put me in the CRAZY category” according to some of my friends.  This is a big reason why I am now doing things that I feared to do in the past, why I am stretching my boundaries and facing some fears.  Life should be about living in the now, not living for the future because you may not have a future.  I am not saying don’t plan for the future, because when you get there you certainly do want to be able to live life; what I am saying is don’t forget to live, love, enjoy and create memories for yourself and your family and friends.  It is much more comforting to look back and say, “Remember when we did this?  Went there?  Experienced that?”  Then to say to yourself, “We were going to do this…”  “We talked about doing that when we retired”  “I wish we had taken the time…”

Work should not be your life; it should be what allows you to have a life. 

You never know what the future has in store for you, so plan for it, but don’t forget to live in the now, to create happy memories for yourself and your loved ones.  Hang with people you want to be like.  Remove negative people from your life when possible, have positive support for those times you spend with emotional vampires.  Live to be happy and have fun in everything you do.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I think someone should start a Blog on this blog about how unuser-friendly it is.  I can not come to the blog and make a post- I have to click around like a fool until I accidently get back to my home page and then I can post, then the only way to see my post is to go to my very first page\bookmark and then open the current month and click on my last post.  Surely does suck the big one.

My first “Whole 30” experiment is completed on July 3rd.  The only known “cheats” I had were commercial bacon (and about 6 sausage links) in the last week, and excessive amounts of fruit.

Weight: Start 215.2 lbs  Finish 212.6 lbs

Waist:    Start 42.5           Finish  39.5                 

I have seen changes in my body, more muscle definition, smaller waist and I can now get into and button jeans I have not worn in over 10 years.  A month ago I could not button two pair of jeans and now I can wear them.

July 7.

I am now a believer in the Paleo way of eating.  On July 4th I had BBQ ribs, Ice cream and beer.  On the 5th I had pizza and Taco Time food and beer… and ice cream.  I feel stuffy, my stomach is upset, I am feeling yucky, bloated and I have put on a few pounds in just these few days.  It is time to start eating good again; and, I have already started with today’s breakfast of steak and eggs and a small fruit bowl.