Saturday, October 2, 2010

Being open to gifts from the universe

Someday is today is just part of my new philosophy on life.  Another aspect is being open to offerings from the universe.  When something interesting and maybe challenging, that in the past I would be scared to do, or rationalize away is presented to me, I now will look at it and be open to trying it.
Take for instance yesterday, out of the blue, this hike was mentioned to me, for the 2nd time in a month, Chemin de St-Jacques.  Coincidence?  The universe wanting to offer me a gift and an adventure?  This hike is in France and the mileage I hear most is 500 miles.  Seems impossible.  How can I do that?  That is pretty far away and in a place I don't know, can't speak the language, etc.
The first step is believing that I can do it.
The second is to gather more information about the trek.  Is it even in terrain that I would want to walk?  So here are some steps for me to take.
believe I can do it.  - I do
Talk to others that have done it.  I will start that process next Friday when the volunteer works again.  I will ask her to contact her friend to see if she would share information about the trip and her adventures.
Learn basic French.
Believe that the time and money will be available.  That means a four to five week time period.  I need to give up the idea that I need at least 1 weeks vacation in the bank and be willing to spend it.
There are four major routes for this trek, so I will need to research them to see which one I want to take.
I will need to take some long hikes over the next 10 or 11 months in order to be in shape.
Lots to do before then.  Lots of little somedays will be accomplished in this enterprise.